Affordable Moving Services

Get reliable and affordable moving services for your local move. Call now! Call or Text šŸ’„ā˜Žļø 561-615-9889 šŸ’„

black and brown Dachshund standing in box
black and brown Dachshund standing in box

We provide cheap moving services for small and medium local moves. Our team is ready to help you with basic furniture, boxes, and bags.

Happy Customers

brown cardboard boxes on gray asphalt road
brown cardboard boxes on gray asphalt road

Great service! They helped me move quickly and at an affordable price.

woman in gray long sleeve shirt and gray pants standing beside white wooden door
woman in gray long sleeve shirt and gray pants standing beside white wooden door

Highly recommend Bug Star Moving! They made my local move stress-free and affordable.

man in blue polo shirt sitting on chair
man in blue polo shirt sitting on chair

Excellent moving services at a low cost. Professional and efficient!

two brown boxes and DVD cases on rack
two brown boxes and DVD cases on rack

Bug Star Moving exceeded my expectations. Friendly and affordable.

2 boys in red shirt sitting on yellow metal bar

Contact Us

Reach out to us for a free estimate and to book your affordable move.


Our Location


123 Main Street, West Palm Beach, FL

Working Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm